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Cumbernauld House is the former headquarters of Cumbernauld Development Corporation but when that organisation vacated it was converted into residential apartments. During the conversion, residential sprinklers were installed.

It is reported that on the 14th October 2014 a fire started in one of the apartments when a candle, located in a bathroom, apparently disintegrated setting fire to nearby towelling.

It is understood that this fire was extinguished by the sprinkler head located in the bathroom.

BAFSA COMMENTS: The 2005 issue of BS9251 advises that bathrooms with an area of 5m² or more should be sprinkler protected and this was so in the case above. The 2014 revision however, suggests that the need for this extension of coverage should be subject to a risk assessment. Given that these pages have previously reported several bathroom fires in dwellings (including an arson fire,) it is suggested that the widespread use of candles etc should inform any assessment.

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